Index of My Frontier Book

Symbols | Numbers | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


& (ampersand) in CGI arguments, 159

&& (ampersands) for logical and, 451

* (asterisk) for multiplication, 106, 161, 450

@ (at sign) for addresses, 82-85, 450

\\ (backslash), 454

to escape special characters, 109

in grep expressions, 154

for line continuation, 40

in Web site, 413

! (bang) for logical not, 451

!= (bang equal) for logical inequality, 450

[ ] (brackets), 454

in array notation, 112

in object model, 315

to reference database objects, 60

^ (caret) to dereference addresses, 83-85, 450

: (colon), 454

for application-specific indexing, 317

in on statements, 56

as pathname delimiter, 157, 291

as record item delimiter, 99

, (comma), 454

adding into numbers, 158

to separate multiple parameters, 56

{ } (curly braces), 454

for bundling code, 41-43, 407

delimiting list and record literals, 99

$ (dollar sign) in URLs, 383

. (dot), 315, 454

dot-notation, 28, 37-38

= (equal sign)

== (equality) operator, 115, 117, 450

to calculate menu items, 243

for evaluating text in pictures, 262

for object assignment, 35, 170, 449

> (greater than) operator, 451

>= (greater than or equals) operator, 451

# (hash mark) for directives, 393


decrement (--) operator, 161, 450

for item deletion, 116, 449

as menu item, 243

for subtraction, 161, 449

---- direct parameter, 304

« (left guillemot) symbol, 45-46, 454

< (less than) operator, 451

<= (less than or equals) operator, 451

( (left parenthesis) for menu items, 243

() (parentheses), 454

% (percent sign)

in CGI arguments, 159

for modulus, 161, 450

| (pipe)

in glossPatch expressions, 417

in Script Debugger, 349

|| (pipes) for or operator, 451

+ (plus sign)

addition operator, 106, 161, 449

in CGI arguments, 159

concatenation operator, 115, 449

increment (++) operator, 161, 450

? (question mark) in URLs, 383

' (quote) to delimit chars/string4s, 109, 454

" (quote) to delimit strings, 109, 454

; (semicolon) ending script lines, 41-43, 454

/ (slash) for division, 106, 161, 450

≠ (not equal) operator, 450


2-button modal dialogs, 225

3-button modal dialogs, 225


aborting running programs, 144

aborting threads, 201

abs(), 161, 455

absolute URLs, converting from relative, 159

absolute values, 161

accessing suite menus, 250

ACGI applications, 375-388

security and, 386

action scripts, 233

#activeURLs directive, 399

add(), 377

addition, 106, 161, 449

address of (@) operator, 82-85, 450

address parameters, 85-90

address(), 97


for applications, 324-326

coercing, 105

constructing object references with, 85

datatype for, 98

dereferenced, 83

non-scalars, obtaining, 172

syntax of, 82-85

of table entries, 172

for target objects, obtaining, 175

of verbs, 88-89

as Web page object datatype, 406

window references, 217

addressType datatype, 98

#adrPageData directive, 398

after(), 318

age, object, 173

agents, 140, 255-257

agent messages, 256-257

debugging agent scripts, 256

polling, 248

system.agents entry, 255

alert dialogs, 224

alias(), 97

aliases, 297

coercing, 105

pathnames of aliased items, 298

aliasType datatype, 99

#alink directive, 397

allocating memory for Frontier, 27

alphabetic/alphanumeric, testing for, 151

ampersand (&) in CGI arguments, 159

ampersands (&&) for logical and, 451

and (&&) operator, 451

app verbs, 314, 325, 462-463

app.clearNetworkApp(), 325, 462

app.linkToNetworkApp(), 325, 463

app.start(), 314, 463

app.startWithDocument(), 325, 463

appending comments to commands, 45

appInfo subtable, 323

Apple events, 302-311, 340-344, 446-448

Apple Event Registry, 311

custom, 344-346

suites, 311-314

timeouts, 310

transactions and, 309-310

Apple menu items, launching, 291

appleEvent(), 305, 307-308, 455

AppleScript, 239, 332-335


addressing, 324-326

associating with creator codes, 295

dialogs in, 238-239

driving Frontier from, 336-346

droplets, 265, 270-272

glue (see glue)

launching, 292

non-scriptable, 301

processes, verbs for, 288

RAM partitions, setting, 295

shared menus, 246-249

switching to/from, hook at, 258

transactions between, 309-310

arithmetic operations, 161-163

arrays, 112-117

iterating through with, 120

syntax of, 112-114

verbs for, 114

ASCII characters, encoding for Web, 158

assignment (=) operator, 35, 170, 449

assignment commands, 35

asterisk (*) for multiplication, 106, 161, 450

asynchronous CGI applications, 375-388

asynchronous events, 308

at sign (@) for addresses, 82-85, 450

attributes, resource, 197

audio, verbs for, 289

#autoParagraphs directive, 398

awakening threads, 201


#background directive, 397, 426

backing up database, 26, 260, 273-277

backslash (\), 454

to escape special characters, 109

in grep expressions, 154

for line continuation, 40

in Web sites, 413

Backup (Main menu item), 260

backups.backuproot(), 132, 273

bang (!) for logical not, 451

bang-equal (!=) operator, 450

Baron, Doug, xx, 142, 282

basicStuff (see samples.basicStuff entries)

batch export, 275-277

Batch Import (Batch menu item), 276

Baxter, John, xxi, 165

BBEdit editor, 347-352, 428-430

beeping, 289

before(), 318

beginningOf(), 318

beginsWith operator, 116, 451

#bgcolor directive, 397

binaries, 98, 100-101

operations on, 117

testing equality of, 117

binary(), 96, 100

binaryType datatype, 98, 100

bit verbs, 162-163, 197, 463-464

bit.clear(), 163, 463

bit.get(), 163, 463

bit.set(), 163, 464

bitmap patterns, datatype for, 98

body directives (in <body> tags), 397

<bodytext> pseudo-tags, 405

boldface, 187

bookmarking position in outlines, 182

Bookmarks submenu, 28

boolean indexing, 318

boolean(), 96

booleans, 98

coercing, 104

booleanType datatype, 98

braces { }, 454

for bundling code, 41-43, 407

delimiting list and record literals, 99

brackets ([ ]), 454

in array notation, 112

in object model, 315

to reference database objects, 60

break statement, 119

breaking looping constructs, 119

breakpoints, 141

operations on, 183

bringToFront(), 323

Brown, Roger, 442

browsers (see suites.webBrowser)


closing edit windows in content mode, 178

coercing lists to strings, 104

commenting case constructs, 130

crashing system to find, 133-134

declaring local variables, 72

mouse.location(), 286

system vs. private scraps, 287

try...else construct, 132

in window close hooks, 215

buildTableOutline() utility, 182

built-in modal dialogs, 224-226

built-in verbs, 38, 137

bundle keyword, 41, 73

bundles, 16

breakpoints and, 141

managing file bundle bits, 296

sorting lines of, 182

busy, checking files if, 298


custom two- and three-button dialogs, 225

hiding/showing in Main Window, 222

bytes, converting, 162


cadillac renderer, 403

calculating menu items, 243

Calhoun, Kevin, 442

call result values (verbs), 52-53

callback (see proc handlers)

callbacks, XCMD, 445

callXCMD(), 456

canEdit() (see suites.odbEditor.editors entry)

Cantor, Georg, 106

Capture AE control panel, 302

card verbs (MacBird), 234-235, 464-467

card.close(), 234, 464

card.getCheckedItem(), 235

card.getObjectEnabled(), 235, 464

card.getObjectFlag(), 235, 464

card.getObjectText(), 235, 464

card.getObjectVisible(), 235, 465

card.getSelectedText(), 235

card.isModal(), 235, 465

card.popup.getCheckedItem(), 465

card.popup.getHasLabel(), 235, 465

card.popup.getMenu(), 235, 465

card.popup.getSelectedText(), 465

card.popup.setCheckedItem(), 466

card.popup.setHasLabel(), 235, 466

card.popup.setMenu(), 235, 466

card.popup.setSelectedText(), 466, 234, 466

card.setCardAttributes(), 308

card.setCheckedItem(), 235

card.setObjectEnabled(), 235, 466

card.setObjectFlag(), 235, 467

card.setObjectText(), 235, 467

card.setObjectVisible(), 467

card.setSelectedText(), 235

cards (MacBird), 232-238

caret (^) to dereference addresses, 83-85, 450

cascadeWindows() utility, 126

case (capitalization), 453

first letter of words, 157

operations on, 151

case construct, 129-130

breakpoints and, 141

cell object type, 341

CGI applications, 375-388

security and, 386

CGI arguments, parsing, 159

changed Web sites, releasing, 419

char(), 96

characters (chars), 98, 109-111

ASCII, encoding for Web, 158

coercing to/from strings, 104

escaping special characters, 109

generating string of repeating, 155

operations on, 151

(see also strings)

charType datatype, 98

checkmarks in menu items, 243

Window menu, 214

chevron («) symbol, 45-46, 454

classAds suite, 433-437

classes, verb, 177-178

classified ads (example), 433-437

#clayCompatibility directive, 399

clean root, 277-278

clients, 368-370

Clip2GIF utility, 263, 321

clipboard verbs, 286-288, 467-468

clipboard, executing UserTalk scripts on, 337

clipboard.get(), 288, 467

clipboard.getValue(), 288, 467

clipboard.put(), 287, 468

clipboard.putValue(), 287, 468

clipToGifInDatabase() utility, 322, 165, 290, 468

clock.set(), 290, 468

clock.sleepFor(), 227, 255, 468

clock.ticks(), 290, 469

clock.waitSeconds(), 198, 469

clock.waitSixtieths(), 198, 469

close(), 176, 456

closeWindow.addToChangedPages(), 419


card-based dialogs, 234

database, hooks at, 258

edit windows, 176

files for access, 190

windows, 23, 214-215, 218-219

code (see scripts)

codeType datatype, 99

coerceTo() utility, 108

coerceValue(), 108

coercion, 21, 100-108

dates and, 164

implicit, 100

list of possibilities for, 102-105

mixed-operand operations and, 107

coercion (continued)

moving data to clipboard and, 287

at runtime, 108

verbs for, 96-97

collapsing outline subheads, 16, 182

colon (:), 454

for application-specific indexing, 317

in on statements, 56

as pathname delimiter, 157, 291

as record item delimiter, 99


converting hex triples to rgb, 102

directives for, 397

Mac OS colors, 102

RGB (see rgbs)

system.verbs.colors entry, 102

columns in tables, size of, 24

comma (,), 454

adding into numbers, 158

to separate multiple parameters, 56

command key (see modifier keys)

Command key shortcuts, 244

Command-period, 144

commands, 35

appending comments to, 45

making into comments, 44


deleting from lines, 156

for files/folders, 295

operations on, 183

in scripts, 44-46

Commercial Developers (Suites menu item), 320

Common Styles submenu (Main menu), 15, 216

compacting copy of database, 274


files, 298

strings, 453

Compile button (edit window), 135

compiled code, datatype for, 99

compiler entries (see entries at system.compiler)

compiling scripts, 135-138

errors when, 137

menu item scripts, 245

complexEvent(), 308, 456

compressing packed object files, 265


joining outline lines, 185

records and lists, 115

strings, 115, 151

conditional constructs, 128-130

configuring Frontier for CGI, 376

confirm dialogs, 225

stopDialog example, 227-229

stopDialog2 example, 235-236

constants, 93

direction constants, 99

for glue, 324

for months, 168

containment, object, 315-317

contains operator, 116, 451

content mode

closing edit windows while in, 178

outline edit windows, 15-16

table edit windows, 21-22

Content Server, 438

continue statement, 119

Control key (see modifier keys)

control panels, launching, 291

control structures, 118-134


case (capitalization), 151

decimal and hexadecimal numbers, 162

HTML-related string conversions, 158-160

table entry types (see coercion)

convertToGMT() utility, 166

coordinates, 219


data and resource forks, 296

database, 274

files and folders, 296

objects, 172

text, verbs for, 179

(see also cutting/copying and pasting)

core event suite, 312

core verbs, 312, 554-557

'core'/'setd' events, 303, 340-342

corruption of database, 273

counting, 554

fields in strings, 156, 524

lines in files, 192, 483

mounted volumes, 292, 483

outline summits and subheads, 183, 506

processes currently running, 288, 531

counting (continued)

resource types, 193

resources, 193

table entries, 281, 472

threads, 199

words, 157, 524

countInString() utility, 153

cr constant, 65

crashing system on purpose, 133-134

creating objects, 170

curly braces { }, 454

for bundling code, 41-43, 407

delimiting list and record literals, 99


location of, 286

"rolling beachball" shape, 289


Apple Events, 344-346

directives, 408-409

menus, 240, 254

user-based pseudo-hooks, 260

customBackup(), 260

customStartup(), 260

cutting/copying and pasting

in table edit windows, 21

verbs for, 179

in wptext edit windows, 19

cycleWindowsBackwards() utility, 221


daemon table (inetd), 363-365


batch exports, 275-277

multiple databases, 279-282

data forks, copying, 296

data parameter (core/setd verbs), 304

data resources, 193-197

data stacks, 143, 205-206

database (Frontier.root), 25-31

AppleScript and (see AppleScript)

backing up, 26, 260, 273-277

clean root, 277-278

editing objects in other applications, 347-353

editing risks, 26, 59-60

elements of, 29-31

exporting objects from, 264-273

hooks at opening/closing, 258

importing into (see importing)

importing XCMDs/UCMDs, 196, 209

multiple databases, 279-282

navigating in, 27-29

searching, 29

verbs for managing, 280-282

version of, 285

window for (see Main Window)

database entries

creating tables for, 170

dialogs for creating (examples), 229-231, 237-238

exploring for ideas, 145

exporting to packed object files, 265-268

modal dialog for entering, 225

names of, 28

calculating at runtime, 60-62, 85

navigating to, 27-29

operations on, 169-173

references to (see object references)

referring to, 58-68

scripts as, 37-39

testing if objects are, 172

variables vs., 58-59

verbs for managing, 281

datafiles, 188-191

datatypes, 37, 95-111

arrays (see arrays)

converting (see coercion)

HyperTalk and, 339

obtaining (see typeOf())

operations on (see operations)

precedence of, 107

type-dependent operations, 106

for Web page objects, 406

Date & Time control panel, 105

date and time, 164-168

coercing, 105

creation date for files/folders, 295

dateType datatype, 98

event timeouts, 310

LongDateTime datatype, 165

minutesSinceShip agent, 257

modification date for files/folders, 295

operations on, 166-168

parsing and manipulating, 166-167

scheduling tasks, 358

setting clock, 290

since computer started up, 290

date and time (continued)

yielding for fixed intervals, 198

(see also entries under clock)

date verbs, 166-167, 469-472

date(), 96

date.abbrevString(), 167, 469

date.dayOfWeek(), 167, 469

date.daysInMonth(), 167, 469

date.dayString(), 167, 470

date.firstOfMonth(), 167, 470

date.get(), 166, 470

date.lastOfMonth(), 167, 470

date.longString(), 167, 470

date.nextMonth(), 167, 470

date.nextWeek(), 167, 471

date.nextYear(), 167, 471

date.prevMonth(), 167, 471

date.prevWeek(), 167, 471

date.prevYear(), 167, 471

date.set(), 166, 471

date.shortString(), 167, 472

date.tomorrow(), 167, 472

date.weeksInMonth(), 167, 472

date.yesterday(), 167, 472

dateToLDT() utility, 165

daveNetOutline renderer, 402

db verbs, 281, 472-475

db.close(), 281, 472

db.countItems(), 281, 472

db.defined(), 281, 473

db.delete(), 281, 473

db.get(), 334, 473

db.getNthItem(), 281, 473

db.getValue(), 281, 473

db.isTable(), 281, 474, 281, 474

db.newTable(), 281, 474, 281, 474, 281, 474

db.set(), 334, 475

db.setValue(), 281, 475

Debug button (edit window), 140


agent scripts, 256

compile errors, 137

crashing system on purpose, 133-134

Debug mode, 140-143

menu item scripts, 245

decimal, converting to/from hexadecimal, 162

declaring local variables, 70-72

decrement (--) operator, 161, 450


parameter values, 57

timeouts, 310

#defaultFileName directive, 401

#defaultTemplate directive, 400

#define directive, 409

defined(), 66, 91-92, 171, 456

#defineScript directive, 409

delete(), 114, 171, 457


aborting threads, 201

array items, 114

clearing tabs, 187

database entries, 281

files, 297

folders, 297

menu items and submenus, 253

object destruction, 171

outline contents, 180

from records and lists, 116

references, 195

script/menubar/outline lines, 180

stacks and stack values, 205-206

from strings, 116, 150, 153, 155

suite menus, 250

table entries, 171

trailing comments, 156

demoting outline lines, 182

dereference (^) operator, 83-85, 450

dereferenced addresses, 83

desktop scripts, 140, 264, 268-269

destroying objects, 171

dialog verbs, 224-227, 475-479

dialog.alert(), 224, 475

dialog.ask(), 225, 475

dialog.confirm(), 225, 475

dialog.fileInfo(), 226, 476

dialog.getInt(), 225, 476

dialog.getValue(), 227, 476

dialog.hideItem(), 227, 476

dialog.loadFromFile(), 232, 476

dialog.notify(), 224, 477, 226-227, 477

dialog.runFromFile(), 477

dialog.runModeless(), 226-227, 477

dialog.setItemEnable(), 227, 478

dialog.setValue(), 227, 478

dialog.showItem(), 227, 478

dialog.threeWay(), 225, 478

dialog.twoWay(), 225, 479

dialog.yesNo(), 225, 479

dialog.yesNoCancel(), 225, 479


card-based, 232-238

dialog-based droplets, 271-272

manipulating items of, 227

in other applications, 238-239

pre-configured (verbs for), 224-226

resource-based, 226-232

shared menus and, 249

titles of, 214

types of, 223

diamond-mark in Window menu, 214

direct object, Apple event, 304

direction constants, 99, 105

direction(), 97

directionType datatype, 99

directives (Web site), 393-401

custom, 408-409

special outline directives, 409

#directivesOnlyAtBeginning directive, 399

dirtyness, object, 173

disks (see volumes)

displayString(), 110, 457

division (/) operator, 106, 161, 450

doAsAppleScript() utility, 334

DocServer (Main menu item), 145

DocServer help program, 144-145


for glue tables, 324

on UserTalk, 144-145

on writing XCMDs and UCMDs, 441

dollar sign ($) in URLs, 383

domain for with statement (see with (keyword))

dot (.), 315, 454

dot-notation, 28, 37-38

double quote (") to delimit strings, 109, 454

double(), 96

double-clicking text, hook for, 259

doubleToDate() utility, 164

doubleType datatype, 97

Droplet Developer (Suites menu item), 270

droplets, 265, 270-272

(see also entries under system.droplet)

#dropNonAlphas directive, 401, 420

dynamic scoping, 78-79

dynamic Web sites, 431-438


edit windows, 13-24

choosing type of, 14

closing, 176

Compile button, 135

contents (see non-scalars)

Debug button, 140

manipulating (see windows)

outline edit windows, 14-18

Run button, 138

table edit windows, 19-24

verbs for manipulating, 216-222

verbs operating in, 178-187

wptext edit windows, 19

Edit with App (Main menu item), 233

edit(), 175, 457


database, danger of, 26, 59-60

MacBird cards, 233

menus, 241

non-scalars, 174-187

objects dirtyness and, 173

objects in other applications, 347-353

pictures, 261-262

scripts while debugging, 140

strings (see strings, operations on)

table entries, 22

ToDo List, 357

editMenu verbs, 179, 187, 479-481

editMenu.clear(), 179, 479

editMenu.copy(), 179, 479

editMenu.cut(), 179, 479

editMenu.paste(), 179, 480

editMenu.plainText(), 187, 480

editMenu.selectAll(), 480

editMenu.setBold(), 187, 480

editMenu.setFont(), 179, 480

editMenu.setFontSize(), 179, 480

editMenu.setItalic(), 187, 481

editMenu.setOutline(), 187, 481

editMenu.setShadow(), 187, 481

editMenu.setUnderline(), 187, 481

ejectable volumes, testing for, 292

element objects, 315-318

else statement

breakpoints and, 141

case (see case construct)

if...else (see if...else construct)

try...else (see try...else construct)

empty strings/lists/records, 117

encoding strings for Web, 158-159

endOf(), 318

endsWith operator, 116, 452

entries, database (see database entries)

entries, table (see table entries)

entryMaker dialog (example), 229-231

entryMaker2 dialog (example), 237-238

enum(), 97

enumeratorType datatype, 99

eponymous handlers, 47-54

Handler Rule, 48-50

equal sign (=)

== (equality) operator, 115, 117, 450

to calculate menu items, 243

for evaluating text in pictures, 262

for object assignment, 35, 170, 449

equality, testing for, 115-117

erasing (see deleting)


application error messages, 330

causing on purpose, 132-133

compile errors, 137

crashing system on purpose, 133-134

runtime errors and error dialogs, 143

trapping, 131-132

webserver suite and, 378

escape characters in Web sites, 413

escaping special characters, 109

Eudora, 67-68, 319, 329

eudora.get(), 324

eudora.saveAs(), 320

eudora.visitMessages(), 320

evaluate(), 93-94, 457

evaluateThread(), 247

evaluating (see testing)

evaluation, special cases for, 91-94


Apple (see Apple events)

asynchronous, 308

suites, 311-314

timeouts, 310

transactions and, 309-310

user, verbs for, 286

execution path, 141

existence, testing for, 555

files, 297, 484

resources, 195

threads, 201, 537

#expandGlossaryItems directive, 400, 412

expanding outline subheads, 16, 182

Export (Main menu item), 265

Export dialog, 265

export.callImporter(), 272

export.callImportSubmenu(), 272

export.importFolder(), 268

export.importSubmenu(), 267, 272

exporting, 264-273

AppleScript scripts, 335

batch exports, 275-277


faceless droplets, 271

.fcgi filename extension, 376

fields, parsing strings for, 155-156

file verbs, 190-192, 293-297, 481-496

file.bytesInFolder(), 293, 481

file.bytesOnVolume(), 293, 481

file.close(), 190, 482, 298, 482

file.copy(), 296, 482

file.copyDataFork(), 296, 482

file.copyResourceFork(), 296, 482

file.copyToSystemFolder(), 297, 483

file.countLines(), 192, 483

file.countVolumes(), 292, 483

file.created(), 295, 483

file.creator(), 295, 483

file.delete(), 297, 483

file.deleteFolder(), 297, 484

file.eject(), 293, 484

file.endOfFile(), 191, 484

file.exists(), 297, 484

file.fileFromPath(), 157, 484

file.filesInFolder(), 293, 484

file.filesOnVolume(), 293, 485

file.filteredCopy(), 296, 485

file.findApplication(), 295, 485

file.findInFile(), 191, 485

file.findInFolder(), 192, 486

file.folderFromPath(), 157, 486

file.foldersInFolder(), 293, 486

file.foldersOnVolume(), 293, 486

file.followAlias(), 298, 486

file.freespaceOnVolume(), 293, 486

file.getComment(), 295, 487

file.getDiskDialog(), 225, 487

file.getFileDialog(), 225, 487

file.getFolderDialog(), 225, 487

file.getFullVersion(), 295, 488

file.getIconPos(), 296, 488

file.getLabel(), 296, 488

file.getPath(), 291, 488

file.getSpecialFolderPath(), 294, 488

file.getSystemDisk(), 294, 488

file.getSystemFolderPath(), 294, 489

file.getVersion(), 285, 295, 489

file.isAlias(), 297, 489

file.isBusy(), 298, 489

file.isEjectable(), 292, 489

file.isFolder(), 297, 489

file.isLocked(), 296, 490

file.isVisible(), 296, 490

file.isVolume(), 297, 490

file.lock(), 296, 490

file.modified(), 295, 490

file.mountServerVolume(), 292, 490

file.move(), 296, 491, 190, 297, 491

file.newAlias(), 297, 491

file.newFolder(), 297, 491, 190, 491

file.putFileDialog(), 225, 492, 191, 492

file.readLine(), 191, 492

file.rename(), 297, 493

file.setComment(), 295, 493

file.setCreated(), 295, 493

file.setCreator(), 295, 493

file.setFullVersion(), 295, 493

file.setIconPos(), 296, 493

file.setLabel(), 296, 494

file.setModified(), 295, 494

file.setPath(), 291, 494

file.setType(), 295, 494

file.setVersion(), 295, 494

file.setVisible(), 296, 494

file.size(), 190, 294, 495

file.sureFolder(), 297, 495

file.type(), 295, 495

file.unlock(), 296, 495

file.unmountVolume(), 293, 495

file.visitFolder(), 128, 495

file.volumeBlockSize(), 293, 496

file.volumeFromPath(), 157, 496

file.volumeSize(), 293, 496

file.write(), 191, 496

file.writeLine(), 191, 496

#fileExtension directive, 401, 420

fileloop() looping construct, 122-125

FileMaker Pro, 309, 317, 342-344

filemenu verbs, 218, 497

filemenu.close(), 218, 497

filemenu.closeAll(), 218, 497, 497, 497, 497

filemenu.saveCopy(), 274, 497


comparing, 298

copying, 296

counting in folders/volumes, 293

creation/modification dates for, 295

datafiles, 188-191

directives for, 400

file-based resources, 231-232

icon position, 296

information on, 226, 294-296

iterating through, 122-125, 128

managing file system (verbs for), 290-299

manipulating, verbs for, 296-298

operations on

pathname-related, 157

packed object files, 265-268

pathnames of (see paths and pathnames)

resources of, 193-197

selection dialogs (verbs for), 225-226

size of, 294

filesInFolder() utility, 294

filespec(), 97

filespecType datatype, 99, 105, 406

filtering Web data, 414-416

#filters directive, 414-416

finalFilter(), 414-416, 429

Find & Replace Dialog, 29

finderEvent(), 309, 457

finderflags.clear(), 296, 498

finderflags.get(), 296, 498

finderflags.set(), 296, 498

finding (see searching)

finding and replacing strings, 152-155

findNth() utility, 153, 156

fixed(), 96

fixedType datatype, 97

FKEY, launching, 292

flags, hiding/showing (Main Window), 222

floating-point numbers, 97

focus of outline, zooming, 182


copying, 296

counting on volumes, 293

creation/modification dates for, 295

dialog for selecting, 225

icon position, 296

importing, 268

iterating through files in, 122-125, 128

manipulating, verbs for, 296-298

obtaining name of, 157

searching within, 192

system folder, 294, 297

tables as exported packed objects, 266

verbs for, 293

folderSize() utility, 294

Follow button (Debug mode), 142


in windows, 216

setting, 179

setting styles, 187

in windows, 15

footer directives, 398

for looping construct, 119-120 looping construct, 120

formatting windows, 215-216

forms, HTML, 380-382

free space

in Frontier's heap, 285

RAM, 290

of volumes, 293


as ACGI application, 376

allocating memory for, 27

Apple events, responding to, 340-341

bugs (see bugs)

database of (see database)

driving from Web pages, 345

edit windows, 13-24

how to use (examples), 10-12

pictures (see pictures)

querying, verbs for, 285

remote communications with, 371-374

running Web server with, 364, 386-387

switching to/from, hook for, 258

versions of, xix, 285

Frontier Do Script command (Nisus Writer), 337

Frontier SDK, 441

Frontier Text Files folder, 349-350

frontier.bringToFront(), 498

frontier.clickers.type2CLK(), 272

frontier.enableAgents(), 498

frontier.finder2click(), 272

frontier.getFilePath(), 285, 498

frontier.getProgramPath(), 285, 499

frontier.idleTime(), 499

frontier.requestToFront(), 238-239, 499

Frontier.root (see database)

frontier.version(), 285, 499

frontierPath agent, 257

FTP, Frontier for (example), 369-370

#ftpSite directive, 419

#fullTimeNetConnection directive, 401


generating HTML, directives for, 398

Gestalt Manager, 290

gestalt(), 290, 458

getAs(), 329

getBinaryType(), 101, 458

GIF images, 263, 321


database entries as, 59

variables, 79-80

glossaries, 412-413

glossPatch mechanism, 416-418, 425, 429

glossSub() utility, 424

glue, 207-209, 319-331

anatomy of glue tables, 323-324

challenges, tips, and pitfalls, 326-331

Open Glue Script (Frontier menu item), 145

performance tuning, 321-322

Go button (Debug mode), 141

Go To button (error dialog), 137, 143

goto (see looping constructs, interrupting)

graphics (see pictures)

greater than (>) operator, 451

greater than or equal (>=) operator, 451

grep search and replace, 153-155


Handler Rule, 48-50


for dialogs, 226-232

global variables and, 79-80

parameters (see parameters)

passed in visit constructs, 125-128

scope of, 74-76, 78-79

(see also scope)

hash mark (#) for directives, 393

header directives (in <head> tags), 396

height (see size)


comments in scripts, 44-46

DocServer program, 144-145

exporing database for ideas, 145

hexadecimal numbers, 162


card-based dialog items, 235

dialog items, 227

files and folders, 296

Main Window elements, 222

windows, 218-219


of directives, 395

menubar, 242-243

in outline edit windows, 16

hoisting, 182

hooks, 140, 258-260

for closing windows, 214-215

as interrupts, 259

user-based psuedo-hooks, 260


directives (see directives)

forms, 380-382

generating, directives for, 398

hyperlinks, 416-418, 425, 427

string.processHtmlMacros(), 422

suites.html entry, 421-423

#template.html files, 428

user.html (see entries under user.html)

(see also Web)

html suite (see entries under user.html)

html.addToChangedPages(), 215

html.buildFromOutline(), 419, 423

html.buildObject(), 421

html.buildPageTable(), 421 entry, 407 entry, 414 entry, 414 entry, 407, 409-412

(see also entries under standardMacros)

html.ftpText(), 422

html.getFileName(), 423

html.getOneDirective(), 423

html.getPref(), 423

html.getSiteTable(), 423

html.loadImageFile(), 423

html.processMacros(), 422, 429

html.runDirectives(), 422

html.runOutlineDirectives(), 422

html.traversalSkip(), 423

html.ucmds.getOutlineHtml(), 403

HTML-related string conversions, 158-160

HyperCard, 338-340


for navigation, 427

relative, 416-418, 425

HyperTalk messages, 338

hyphen (-)

decrement (--) operator, 161, 450

for item deletion, 116, 449, 116

as menu item, 243

for subtraction, 161, 449


IAC... verbs, 446-448

icons for files/folders, 296

if...else construct, 128-129

case construct vs., 130

#imgFileCreator directive, 401

implicit coercion, 100, 107

implicit local scope, 77-78

implicit script compilation, 135-136


AppleScript files, 335

from batch exports, 276-277

folders of packed objects, 268

menu item scripts, 267

packed objects, 266-268

importing (continued)

PICTs, 261-262

suites, 252, 267

XCMD/UCMD extensions, 196, 209

importSuite(), 267

importXCMD() utility, 196

In button (Debug mode), 142

#includeMetaCharset directive, 396

increment (++) operator, 161, 450

indentation, 40-41, 187

index, array, 112

indexing, 317-318, 330

inetd suite, 363-365

inetd.start(), 364

inetd.startOne(), 364

inetd.supervisor(), 364

infinite looping constructs, 50, 121

infinity constant, 92


on files, 226, 294-296

modal dialogs for, 224

system, querying for, 285-299


file-selection dialogs, 225-226

modal dialogs for, 225

inserting substrings into strings, 149

inserting text, 179


datatypes for, 97

integer input dialogs, 225

operations on, 106

interaction levels, 311

internal types, 100

interrupts, hooks as, 259


for running agent scripts, 255

updating pictures, 263

intType datatype, 97

isDatabaseEntry() utility, 172

isLower() utility, 151

#isoFilter directive, 399

isRunning(), 323

isUpper() utility, 151

italics, 187

iterating (see looping constructs)


#javascript directive, 397

joining (see concatenating)

Jump (Open menu item), 28

Jump dialog, 28

jumping to database entries, 28

justifying paragraphs, 187


kb.cmdKey(), 286, 499

kb.controlKey(), 286, 499

kb.optionKey(), 286, 500

kb.shiftKey(), 286, 500

kernel, 136

kernel(), 137


modifier keys (see modifier keys)

shortcuts, 244

keywords, UserTalk, 35, 92

Kill button (Debug mode), 142


labels for files/folders, 296

Latin-1 encoding, 158

launch verbs, 291-292, 500-501

launch(), 324, 325

launch.anything(), 291, 500

launch.appleMenu(), 291, 500

launch.application(), 292, 500

launch.appWithDocument(), 292, 500

launch.controlPanel(), 291, 501

launch.resource(), 292, 501

launch.usingID(), 292, 501

Lawton, Scott, xxi, 77

Lawton's Law, 77

layers, window, 220-221

ldtToDate() utility, 165

left guillemot («) character, 45-46, 454

left parenthesis ( for menu items, 243

length (see size)

less than (<) operator, 451

less than or equal (<=) operator, 451

lettering (see fonts)

line continuation character (\), 40

line spacing, 187

linefeed character (\n), 109

lines of script, evaluating, 53-54

lines of text

counting within file, 192

selecting, 179

#link directive, 397

links, Web site

for navigation, 427

relative, 416-418, 425

linksToOtherPages() utility, 427

list(), 97

listeners, 363

listFolderToDisk() utility, 189


adding new items to, 115

array notation with, 113

coercing, 104

coercing to strings (bug), 104

converting to/from outlines, 185

empty, 117

iterating through with, 120

listType datatype, 99

operations on, 115-116

(see also records)

lists (list datatype), 57

listWindows() utility, 221

Load Existing Site (Web menu item), 420

loading existing Web sites, 420

local (keyword), 70, 72

local processes, 308

local scope, 69-72

handlers, 75-76

implicit, 77-78

local variables, 70-72, 142

location parameters, 318, 330

locking and unlocking

files and folders, 296

semaphores, 203-204

logging scheduled tasks, 360

logical equality (==) operator, 115, 117

logical operators, 450-452

loginAs.loginAs(), 501

long(), 96

LongDateTime datatype, 165

longType datatype, 97

Lookup button (Debug mode), 142

loop(), 121

looping constructs, 118-125

errors and, 131

infinite, 50, 121

interrupting, 119

lowercase (see case)

#lowerCaseFileNames directive, 401, 420


Mac OS colors, 102

MacBird application, 232-238

dialog-based droplets, 271-272

macintosh entries (see entries under system.macintosh)

macros, 379, 407-412

macros.imageTag(), 429

Main Window, 27, 213

hiding/showing elements of, 222

(see also windows)

mainWindow.hideButtons(), 222, 501

mainWindow.hideFlag(), 222, 502

mainWindow.hidePopup(), 222, 502

mainWindow.showButtons(), 222, 502

mainWindow.showFlag(), 222, 502

mainWindow.showPopup(), 222, 502

Make New Suite (Suites menu item), 251

margins, managing, 187

math operations, 161-163

#maxFileNameLength directive, 401, 420

memAvail(), 285, 458


allocating for Frontier, 27

determining how much free, 285, 290

shared menus and, 248

used for folder contents, 293

volume free space, 293

Menu Bar button (Main Window), 242

Menu Editor (Open menu item), 242

menu item scripts, 244-245, 253

importing, 267

managing and coding, 243

testing, 222

menu items

Apple menu items, 291

separator lines, 243

menu verbs, 252-254, 502-505

menu.addMenuCommand(), 252, 502

menu.addSubMenu(), 253, 503

menu.addSuite(), 254, 503

menu.clearMenubar(), 254, 503

menu.deleteMenuCommand(), 253, 503

menu.deleteSubMenu(), 253, 503

menu.getScript(), 253, 504

menu.importSuite(), 252

menu.install(), 254, 504

menu.isInstalled(), 254, 504

menu.noSuite(), 254, 504

menu.remove(), 254, 504

menu.setScript(), 253, 505

menu.toggle(), 254, 505

menu.zoomscript(), 253, 505

menubars, 240, 242-245

coercing to strings, 103

exporting as packed objects, 266

manipulating, verbs for, 252-254

menuBarType datatype for, 97

opening, 242

relationship with menus, 243-244

system.menubars entry, 31

system.misc.menubar entry, 31, 242

wptext verbs for, 178-186

menus, 240-242

calculated names for, 244

importing suites, 252, 267

keyboard shortcuts, 244

manipulating, verbs for, 252-254

modal menus, 241, 250

modifying, 241

relationship with menubars, 243-244

scripts as menu items, 139

shared menus, 241, 246-249

keyboard shortcuts, 244


agent messages, 256-257

error messages from applications, 330

HyperTalk messages, 338

receiving from other applications, 344

status (see status messages)

system level (see Apple events)

#meta directive, 396

Microsoft Internet Explorer (see suites.webBrowser)

Microsoft Word, Apple events and, 341-342

migrate() utility, 282

migrating to clean root, 277-278

MIME types, 382

minus sign (see hyphen)

minutesSinceShip agent, 257

misc verbs, 313, 557-560

misc.beginTransaction(), 313, 557

misc.copy(), 313, 557

misc.createPublisher(), 313, 558

misc.cut(), 313, 558

misc.doMenu(), 313, 558

misc.doScript(), 313, 558

misc.editGraphic(), 313, 558

misc.endTransaction(), 313, 559

misc.imageGraphic(), 313, 559

misc.isUniform(), 313, 559

misc.paste(), 313, 559

misc.redo(), 313, 559

misc.revert(), 313, 560, 313, 560, 313, 560

misc.undo(), 313, 560

'misc'/'dosc' events, 341-344

missed scheduled tasks, 360

mod(), 161, 458

modal dialogs, 223, 224-226

card-based (example), 235-236

resource-based (example), 227-229

modal menus, 241, 250

modeless dialogs, 223

card-based (example), 237-238

resource-based (example), 229-231

modes, 178

of outline edit windows, 15-16

of table edit windows, 21-22

toggling, 16

modes.monitor(), 250, 257

modifier keys

hooks for modifier-double-clicking, 259

verbs to detect events with, 286

modifying (see editing)

modulus (%) operator, 161, 450

months, 166-167

mounting/unmounting volumes, 292

mouse events, verbs for, 286

mouse.button(), 286, 505

mouse.location(), 286, 505

movable modal dialogs, 223


files and folders, 296

object values onto clipboard, 287

objects, 172

table entries, 172

msg(), 73, 224, 458

agents and, 257

multidimensional arrays, 113

multiple databases, 279-282

multiple parameters, 56

multiplication, 107

multiplication (*) operator, 106, 161, 450

multithreading, 198-204

agent scripts and, 255

managing threads, 200-202

semaphores, 202-204

shared menus and, 247


nameOf(), 91-92, 114, 171-172, 458


addresses vs., 83

array items, 114

calculating at runtime, 60-62, 85

capitalization of, 298

database entries, 28

days of week, 167

droplets, 270

evaluating, special cases for, 91-94

folders, 157

guaranteeing uniqueness of, 170

for menu items, calculating, 243

paths (see paths and pathnames)

referencing resources with, 194

renaming files, 297

suite titles, 251

table entries, 170-172

verbs, 37-38

volumes, 157

window titles, 214, 221

name-value pairs (in tables), 19


within database, 27-29

within scripts, menubars, outlines, 17-18, 180-182

within tables, 23-24, 180

among window layers, 220-221

in wptext situations, 179

navigation links, 427

NetEvents application, 362

netEvents.listenStream(), 364

netEvents.nameToAddress(), 364

netEvents.readStream(), 364

netEvents.writeStream(), 364

'netf'/'valu' events, 373

NetFrontier suite, 371-374

netFrontier.ATclient.get(), 373

netFrontier.remoteDelete(), 372

netFrontier.remoteGet(), 372

netFrontier.remotePut(), 372

netFrontier.remoteQuit(), 372

netFrontier.remoteRun(), 372

Netscape Navigator, 345

(see also suites.webBrowser)

networking, 362-370

CGI applications, 375-388

remote communications, 371-374

New Card (Table menu item), 233

New menu items (Table menu), 22

New Script (Main menu item), 256, 377

New Site (Web menu item), 391

new(), 117, 170, 459

newCulture renderer, 402

newsPage suite, 431-433

nil constant, 93

Nisus Writer, 337-338, 353

#noHintsInHeader directive, 398

non-evaluation, 91-92

non-scalars, 97

age and dirtyness of, 173

coercion of, 103

menubars (see menubars)

obtaining addresses of, 172

pictures (see pictures)

verbs for editing, 174-187

non-scriptable applications, 301

not (!) operator, 451

not equal (!=) operator, 450

Notepad (Open menu item), 30

notify dialogs, 224

null container, 316

number(), 96

numbers, 97

adding commas into, 158

attaching zeros to, 155

coercing, 104

counting (see counting)

datatype-dependent operations on, 106

hexadecimal, 162

integer input dialogs, 225

math, 161-163

parsing dates into, 166

testing for numeric characters, 151


Object Database Map, 29

Object DB button, 27

object model syntax, 306-307

object pointers (see addresses)

object references

calculating at runtime, 60-62, 85

constructing with addresses, 85

partial, 62-66

with statement for, 66-68

object specifiers, 304

object types (see datatypes)

objectHierarchy outline, 324


age and dirtiness of, 173

card objects (see card-based dialogs)

containment, 315-317

direct object, Apple event, 304

edit windows and, 14

editing in other applications, 347-353

exporting from database, 264-273

packed objects, 264-268

reading data into, 188

stacks of, 143, 205-206

target, 174-177

UserTalk object model, 315-319

writing as datafiles, 189

objects, operations on, 169-173

objSpec(), 97, 306

objspecType datatype, 99

odbEditor suite (see suites.odbEditor entries)

odbEditor.edit(), 348

odbServer suite, 365-367

odbServer.commandDecode(), 366

odbServer.commandEncode(), 366

odbServer.commandSend(), 366

odbServer.serverStart(), 366

on statement, 47

breakpoints and, 141

codeType and, 99

(see also eponymous handlers)

op verbs, 180-183, 505-512

op.collapse(), 182, 505

op.countSubs(), 183, 506

op.countSummits(), 183, 506

op.dehoist(), 182, 506

op.dehoistAll(), 182, 506

op.deleteLine(), 180, 506

op.deleteSubs(), 180, 507

op.demote(), 182, 507

op.expand(), 182, 507

op.firstSummit(), 180, 507

op.flatCursorKeys(), 507

op.fullCollapse(), 182, 508

op.fullExpand(), 182, 508

op.getCursor(), 182, 508

op.getDisplay(), 176, 508

op.getLineText(), 180, 508

op.getRefCon(), 186, 508

op.go(), 181, 509

op.hoist(), 182, 509

op.insert(), 180, 509

op.insertAtEndOfList(), 180, 509

op.level(), 183, 510

op.promote(), 182, 510

op.reorg(), 180, 510

op.setCursor(), 182, 510

op.setDisplay(), 176, 511

op.setLineText(), 180, 511

op.setRefCon(), 186, 511

op.sort(), 182, 511

op.subsExpanded(), 183, 511

op.tabKeyReorg(), 512

op.visit(), 126-127, 512

op.wipe(), 180, 512

Open Glue Script (Frontier menu item), 145

Open Scripting Architecture (OSA), 337-340

openDocument(), 323


database, hooks at, 258

files for access, 190

packed objects, 266-268

second database, 280

verbs for, 291

windows, 23, 214, 218-219

operating system

querying, verbs for, 285-299

version of, 290


datatype-dependent, 106

with mixed operands, 107-108

operators, reference on, 449-452

opJoin() utility, 185

opSplit() utility, 184

Option key (see modifier keys)

or (||) operator, 451


of arithmetic operation, 161

datatype precedence, 107

outline organization, 17-18

order (continued)

parameters, 56

resolving object references, 62-63

shortcut key assignment, 244

sorting lines in outline bundles, 182

sorting table entries, 180

table entries (sort order), 24

window layers, 220-221

OSA (Open Scripting Architecture), 337-340

dialects, verbs for, 138

OSA Menu extension, 246, 269

OSAX scripting extension, 207, 334-335

Out button (Debug mode), 142

outdated database data, 273

Outgoing Frontier Objects folder, 265

outline edit windows, 14-18

outliner suite, 186


coercing to strings, 103

converting to/from lists, 185

defining directives in, 393

directives for, 409

menubars as, 242-243

navigating in and reorganizing, 17-18

outlineType datatype, 97

rendering, 401-404

scripts as, 39-44

secret line values, 186

splitting and joining lines of, 184

templates, 404-406

verbs for (see op verbs)

as Web page object datatypes, 406


pack(), 101, 459

packed objects, 264-268

batch imports of, 276

padding strings, 155

pageFilter(), 414-417

PageSpinner editor, 347-350


counting fields in, 156

justifying, 187

selecting, 179

parameters, 35, 54-57

addresses as, 85-90

default values for, 57

handlers and, 48

multiple, 56

parentheses (), 454

parentOf(), 91-92, 171, 459


CGI arguments, 159

dates, 166-167

strings, 155-158

URLs, 159

partial object references, 62-66

partitions, RAM, 295

passing by value, 55

circumventing, 86, 225, 512


dialog for inputting, 225

Paste Into Frontier (Frontier menu), 145

pasting (see cutting/copying and pasting)

paths and pathnames, 28, 291

of aliased items, 298

for applications, 289

coercing fileSpecs and aliases to, 105

creating all folders along, 297

desktop scripts, 269

execution paths, 141

Frontier application file, 285

frontierPath agent, 257

iterating through with fileloop(), 122-125

parsing, 157-158

people table and, 30

prefix for, 291

for resolving data entry references, 62-63, 65-66

of system folder, 294

patternMatchAfter() utility, 152

patternType datatype, 98

pbs.deleteListItem(), 446

pbs.getLinks(), 160, 513

pbs.stripHTML(), 160, 513

pbs.utilities.parseRelativeURL(), 159, 513

people table, 30

people.[user.initials] table, 60-66

percent sign (%)

in CGI arguments, 159

for modulus, 161, 450


advice for running Web server, 386-387

backing up database, 273

performance (continued)

memory allocation and, 27

OSAX scripting extension, 207, 334-335

scheduling (see Scheduler suite)

script extensions, 441-448

tuning glue, 321-322

XCMD and UCMD scripting extensions, 207-209

persistence of database entries, 59

physicalSize() utility, 295

pict.expressions(), 263, 513

pict.getPicture(), 262, 513

pict.PICTtoPicture(), 261, 513

pict.pictureToPICT(), 261, 514

pict.scheduleUpdate(), 263, 514

pict.setPicture(), 262, 514

PICTs, 261-262

pictures, 261-263

pictureType datatype, 97

pipe (|)

in glossPatch expressions, 417

in Script Debugger, 349

pipes (||) as or operator, 451

plus sign (+)

in CGI arguments, 159

addition operator, 106, 161, 449

concatenation operator, 115, 449

increment (++) operator, 161, 450

point(), 97

point.get(), 102, 514

point.set(), 102, 514

pointers to objects (see addresses)

points, 99, 101-102, 104, 514

pointType datatype, 99, 101-102

popAllTrailing() utility, 155

popup menus, 222, 235, 465-466, 502

ports, 362


icons for files/folders, 296

mouse cursor, detecting, 286

windows, 215, 219

post method, 380

pow() utility, 162

PPCBrowser modal dialog, 225


of arithmetic operations, 161

datatype, 107

pre-evaluation, 92

prefix, pathname, 291

preflightSite() utility, 425

prettyOutline renderer, 402

previewing Web sites, 418

printDocument(), 323

private scrap, 287

proc handlers

for dialogs, 226-232

in visit constructs, 125-128


local vs. remote, 308

selecting (dialog for), 226

verbs for, 288-289

processes, simultaneous (see threads)

#processMacros directive, 400

promoting outline lines, 182

properties, object, 315

property lists, 319

protocols, networking, 368

pseudo-hooks, 260

pseudo-random numbers, 162

punctuation, 151, 453-454

putting threads to sleep, 201


QuarkXPress, 327, 330

querying operating system, 285-299

question mark (?) in URLs, 383

Quick Script window, 138

quit(), 323

quote to delimit characters/strings, 109, 454


radio buttons

in MacBird cards, 233


determining how much free, 290

setting partitions for applications, 295

random(), 162, 459

rDelete() utility, 150

reading from files, 188-189, 191

readyMainWindow() utility, 224

recalculation scripts, 233

record(), 97


array notation with, 113

coercing, 104

empty, 117

iterating through with, 120

records (continued)

operations on, 115-116

recordType datatype, 99

(see also lists)

rect(), 97

rectangle.get(), 102, 515

rectangle.inset(), 163, 515

rectangle.outset(), 163, 515

rectangle.random(), 163, 515

rectangle.set(), 102, 515

rectangles (rects), 99, 101-102, 515

coercing, 104

rectType datatype, 99, 101-102

recursion, 81

redirection (CGI), 382

refCon, 186

references to database objects (see object references)

regex suite, 153-155, 516

regex.extract(), 154, 516

regex.join(), 154, 516

regex.split(), 154, 516

regex.subst(), 154, 516

relative hyperlinks, 416-418, 425

relative URLs, making absolute, 159

releasing Web sites, 418-420

remainder (%) operator, 161, 450

remote communications with Frontier, 371-374

remote processes, 308

remote server volumes, mounting, 292

remote sites, releasing Web pages to, 419

remoteGet(), odbServer for (example), 366-367

removing (see deleting)

rendering engine, 390

directives for, 399

outline renderers, 401-404

rendering Web sites, 390

previewing and releasing, 418-420

#renderOutlineWith directive, 400, 401-402

reorganizing (see order)

replace(), 318

replacing (see finding and replacing strings)

required event suite, 312, 560-561

required.openApplication(), 312, 560

required.openDocument(), 312, 561

required.printDocument(), 312, 561

required.quitApplication(), 312, 561

reserved words (UserTalk), 35, 92

resolving object references (see object references)

resource-based dialogs, 226-232

resources, 193-197

attributes of, 197

copying resource forks, 296

file-based, 231-232

launching, 292

resource chain, 196

verbs for managing, 193-197

resources, sound, 289

result values (verbs), 52-53

return character (\r), 109

return keyword, 53

rez verbs, 193-195, 517-520

rez.countResources(), 193, 517

rez.countResTypes(), 193, 517

rez.deleteNamedResource(), 195, 517

rez.deleteResource(), 195, 517

rez.getNamedResource(), 194, 517

rez.getNthResInfo(), 194, 518

rez.getNthResource(), 194, 518

rez.getNthResType(), 193, 518

rez.getResource(), 194, 518

rez.getResourceAttributes(), 197, 518

rez.getStringResource(), 195, 519

rez.namedResourceExists(), 195, 519

rez.putNamedResource(), 194, 519

rez.putResource(), 194, 519

rez.putStringResource(), 195, 519

rez.resourceExists(), 195, 520

rez.setResourceAttributes(), 197, 520

rgb(), 97

rgb.get(), 102, 520

rgb.set(), 102, 520

rgbs (RGB color sets), 99, 101-102

coercing, 104

converting hex triples, 102

rgbType datatype, 99, 101-102

rightN() utility, 150

rIndex() utility, 114

rollBeachball(), 289, 459

root database, resolving references in, 62

Rosenthol, Leonard, 246

rulers in wptexts, 187

Run button (edit window), 138

Run Selection (Main menu item), 53, 139

running scripts, 138-140

runtime coercion, 108

runtime errors (see errors)


samples.basicStuff entries

buildFolder(), 371

buildFolderOutline(), 124

buildTableOutline(), 181

createNewSuite(), 251

megabyte(), 162

nightlyBackup(), 298

quarkDocServer entry, 327

reallyEmptyTrash(), 131

resourceMap(), 194

resourceStealer(), 196

rimshot(), 289

runClipboard(), 94

windowFormatter entry, 216

windowFormatter(), 138, 222

samples.NewIn96.add2lines(), 191


copy of database, 274

databases, 281

scalars, 97

coercing, 104

editing in external editors, 350-352

Scheduler suite, 358-361

scheduler.addTask(), 361

scheduler.monitor(), 359

schedulerMonitor agent, 255, 257

scheduling, 358-361

missed tasks, 360

user.scheduler entries, 358-361


dynamic, 78-79

of handlers, 74-76

implicit local, 77-78

local, 69-72

of variables, 73-74

scratchpad entry, 30

screenSize() utility, 220

script-based droplets, 270-271

Script Debugger, 348-349

Script Editor format, 269

script verbs, 183, 520-522

script.clearBreakpoint(), 183, 520

script.compile(), 138, 520

script.getBreakpoint(), 183, 521

script.getLanguage(), 138, 521

script.isComment(), 183, 521

script.makeComment(), 183, 521

script.removeSource(), 138, 521

script.setBreakpoint(), 183, 521

script.setLanguage(), 138, 522

script.unComment(), 183, 522

script.uncompile(), 138, 522

scriptError(), 132-133, 378, 460

scripts, 11-12

aborting with Command-period, 144

agent (see agents)

AppleScript (see AppleScript)

breakpoint and comment verbs, 183

CGI, 377-378, 386

coercing to strings, 103

comments in (see comments)

compiling, 135-138

as database entries, 37-39

debugging (see debugging)

desktop scripts, 140, 264, 268-269

errors (see errors)

extensions for, 441-448

hooks (see hooks)

HyperCard, 338-340

indentation (subordination) in, 40-41

interrupting execution with hooks, 259

as menu items, 244-245, 253

non-outline rendering of, 41-43

OSA, 337-340

OSAX extension, 207, 334-335

as outlines, 39-44

running, 138-140

scheduling (see Scheduler suite)

scriptType datatype, 97

suites, 250-252

testing, 51-52, 256

testing if menu item scripts, 222

verbs for script objects, 138

as Web page object datatype, 406

whitespace in, 453

wptext verbs for, 178-186

XCMD and UCMD extensions, 207-209

scrolling windows, 221

SDK, Frontier, 441

search paths, 62-63, 65-66


CGI script for (example), 383-385

database, 29

searching (continued)

within files, 191

finding/replacing strings, 152-155

grep search and replace, 153-155

to resolve object references, 62-66

seconds (see time)

secret outline line values, 186


CGIs and, 386

imported packed objects, 267

selection in wptext situations, 179

selection mode

outline edit windows, 15-16, 17-18

table edit windows, 21-22

semaphores, 202-204, 522

semaphores.lock(), 203-204, 522

semaphores.unlock(), 203-204, 522

semicolon (;) ending script lines, 41-43, 454

sentences, verb for, 157

separator lines (in menus), 243

servers, 362-367

advice for running, 386-387

Set Command Key (edit window), 244

setBinaryType(), 101, 460

setEventInteraction(), 311, 460

setEventTimeout(), 310, 460

setEventTransactionID(), 309, 460

setObj(), 305

sets of shorts, 99, 101-102

coercing, 104

shared menus, 241, 246-249

keyboard shortcuts, 244

Shift key (see modifier keys)

shortcuts, keyboard, 244

showing (see hiding)

siblings (outline edit window), 16

Simmons, Brent, 327, 441, 446

single quote (') to delimit chars/string4s, 109, 454

single(), 96

singleType datatype, 97

#siteDefaultName directive, 411

#siteOutlineHeadFont directive, 411

siteOutliner renderer, 402

#siteOutlineSubtextFont directive, 411


arrays (number of items in), 114

file size, 190, 294

ruler length, 187

setting application RAM partitions, 295

string length, 150

table columns, 24

text (see fonts)

volumes, 293

windows, 215, 219

sizeOf(), 91-92, 114, 295, 461

slash (/) for division, 106, 161, 450

sleeping threads, 201

smart quotes (", "), 109, 454

Software Developer's Kit, Frontier, 441

sorting (see order)

sortList() utility, 186

sound, verbs for, 289

space in UserTalk code, 453

spacing of text lines, 187

speaker.beep(), 289, 522

speaker.ouch(), 289, 523

speaker.playNamedSound(), 289, 523

speaker.sound(), 289, 523

special characters, escaping, 109

special forms, 91

specifiers, array, 112

splitting outline lines, 184

square brackets [], 454

in array notation, 112

to reference database objects, 60

square-wave sounds, 289

stable menus, 241

stack.create(), 205, 523

stack.dispose(), 206, 523

stack.pop(), 205, 523

stack.push(), 205, 524

stack.visit(), 126, 524

stacks, 143, 205-206

suites.stacks entry, 205

system.compiler.stack entry, 143

standardMacros.embeddedUserTalk(), 412

standardMacros.glossaryPatcher(), 416

standardMacros.imageRef(), 410

standardMacros.linkPrev(), 411

standardMacros.outlineSite(), 411

standardMacros.pageFooter(), 398, 405

standardMacros.pageHeader(), 396, 405

standardMacros.renderObject(), 410

standardMacros.spacePixels(), 411

startup volume, 294

status messages, 27, 199, 223-224, 250

msg(), 73, 224, 257, 458

StatusMessage agent, 257

window.msg(), 224, 545

Step button (Debug mode), 142

"stop" icon (see breakpoints)

stopDialog dialog (example), 227-229

stopDialog2 dialog (example), 235-236

stopping agents, 256

'STR ' resources, 195

'STR#' resources, 195

streams, 362

string verbs, 149-153, 155-159, 162-167, 524-530

string(), 96

string.addCommas(), 158, 524

string.commentDelete(), 156, 524

string.countFields(), 156, 524

string.countWords(), 157, 524

string.dateString(), 167, 525

string.delete(), 150, 525

string.filledString(), 155, 525

string.firstSentence(), 157, 525

string.firstWord(), 157, 525

string.getWordChar(), 156, 525

string.hex(), 162, 526

string.insert(), 149, 526

string.isAlpha(), 526

string.isNumeric(), 151, 526

string.iso8859encode(), 158, 526

string.isPunctuation(), 151, 526

string.kBytes(), 162, 527

string.lastWord(), 157, 527

string.length(), 150

string.lower(), 151, 527

string.megabyteString(), 162

string.memAvailString(), 285, 527

string.mid(), 150, 527

string.nthChar(), 150, 528

string.nthField(), 156, 528

string.nthWord(), 157, 528

string.parseHTTPargs(), 159, 385, 528

string.patternMatch(), 152, 528

string.popLeading(), 155, 528

string.popTrailing(), 155, 529

string.processHtmlMacros(), 422

string.replace(), 529

string.replaceAll(), 529

string.setWordChar(), 156, 529

string.timeString(), 167, 529

string.upper(), 151, 529

string.URLdecode(), 159, 530

string.URLencode(), 159, 530

string4(), 96

string4Type datatype, 98, 104

strings, 109-111

array notation with, 113

case (capitalization) of, 151, 157

chars (see characters)

coercing, 104

coercing lists to (bug), 104

coercing non-scalars to, 103

comparing, 453

dates as (see date and time)

directives as, 394

empty, 117

escaping special characters, 109

hexadecimal numbers, 162

operations on, 115-116, 149-160

HTML-related, 158-160

parsing, 155-158

working with substrings, 116, 149-150

searching for (see searching)

stringType datatype, 98

as Web page object datatype, 406

stripTestFailers() utility, 152

strListToTable() utility, 195

stubs, 51-52

subheads, outline, 16, 182

submenus (see menus)

subordination in UserTalk scripts, 40-41

substrings (see strings)

subtables, 20

subtraction (-) operator, 161, 449

suites, 241, 250-252, 311-314

suites entry, 30, 250

suites.backups.lastfile entry, 273

suites.batchExporter.batchImport(), 276

suites.classAds entry, 433-437 entry, 145

suites.export entry, 267-268, 272

suites.fileMakerLib entry, 327

suites.html entry, 421-423

suites.inetd entry, 363-365

suites.newsPage entry, 431-433

suites.odbEditor entries, 348-352

suites.odbServer entry, 365-367

suites.outliner entry, 186

suites.samples.basicStuff (see samples.basicStuff entries)

suites.stacks entry, 205

suites.todo entries, 357

suites.webBrowser entry, 257, 345

suites.webserverScripts.samples.tellParams entry, 378

summit-level lines, 16

Swift, Tom, 109

switchTextEditor() utility, 349

sys verbs, 288-290, 295-296, 530-533

sys.appIsRunning(), 288, 323, 530

sys.bringAppToFront(), 289, 323, 530

sys.browseNetwork(), 226, 530

sys.countApps(), 288, 531

sys.frontmostApp(), 288, 531

sys.getAppPath(), 289, 531

sys.getAppSize(), 295, 531

sys.getMinAppSize(), 295, 531

sys.getNthApp(), 289, 531

sys.hasBundle(), 296, 532

sys.memAvail(), 290, 532

sys.OSVersion(), 290, 532

sys.setAppSize(), 295, 532

sys.setBundle(), 532

sys.setBundles(), 296

sys.setMinAppSize(), 295, 532

sys.systemTask(), 198, 533

syscrash(), 133-134, 461


clock (see date and time)

querying, verbs for, 285-299

scrap, 287

version of, 290

system entry, 31

system folder, 294, 297

system.agents entry, 31, 255

system.compiler entry, 31, 135

system.compiler.kernel entry, 136

system.compiler.language entry, 136

system.compiler.semaphores entry, 204

system.compiler.stack entry, 143

system.deskscripts entry, 268

system.droplet.closedown entry, 270

system.droplet.fileList entry, 271

system.droplet.path entry, 270

system.droplet.startup entry, 270

system.extensions entry, 31, 207

system.macintosh entry, 311

system.macintosh.constants entry, 311

system.macintosh.core entry, 312

system.macintosh.misc entry, 313

system.macintosh.objectModel entry, 311

system.menubars entry, 31, 246

system.misc.closeWindow(), 215

system.misc.cmd2click entry, 259

system.misc.control2click entry, 259

system.misc.menubar entry, 31, 242

system.misc.option2click entry, 259

system.resume entry, 31

system.shutdown entry, 31

system.startup entry, 31

system.suspend entry, 31

system.verbs.apps entry, 31, 314, 319

system.verbs.apps.netEvents entry, 362 entry, 314

system.verbs.colors entry, 102 entry, 65

system.verbs.traps entries, 340-341

systemEvent(), 308, 461

system-level messages (see Apple events)


tab character (\t), 109

table edit windows, 19-24

table entries, 19-21

creating new, 22-23, 170

cutting, copying, pasting, 21

destroying all, 171

exporting as packed objects, 266

names for, 28, 170-172

operations on, 170-172

order of, 24

sorting, 180

wptext verbs for, 180

table verbs, 170-172, 180, 533-536

table.assign(), 170, 533

table.copy(), 172, 533

table.copyContents(), 172, 533

table.emptyTable(), 171, 533

table.getCursor(), 180, 533

table.go(), 180, 534

table.goto(), 180, 534

table.gotoAddress(), 175, 534

table.gotoName(), 180, 534

table.move(), 172, 534

table.moveAndRename(), 172, 535

table.moveContents(), 172, 535

table.promptNewItem(), 225, 535

table.rename(), 172, 535

table.sortBy(), 180, 535

table.surePath(), 170, 536

table.uniqueName(), 170, 536

table.validate(), 274, 536

table.visit(), 127, 536

tableEvent(), 308, 461

tableOutliner renderer, 403


checking consistency of, 274

coercing to strings, 103

coercion (see coercion)

creating for database entry, 170

deleting all entries of, 171

dialog for database entry creation, 225

droplet tables (see droplets)

exporting as packed objects, 266

glue tables (see glue)

iterating through with table.visit(), 127

in MacBird card data, 234

navigating within, 23-24

sorting entries in, 180

subtables, 20

tableType datatype, 97

as Web page object datatype, 406

wptext verbs for, 178-180

tabs, verbs for, 187

#tagSubstitution directive, 400

target objects, 174-177

target.clear(), 176, 536

target.get(), 175, 537

target.set(), 175, 218, 537

TCP/IP, 362-370

tcpCmd entries, 368-370

tcpCmd.upload(), 369

TCPserver.listener(), 373

#template directive, 404

#template.html files, 428

templates, 404-406

testEachChar() utility, 152


CGI scripts, 378

script lines, 53-54

scripts, 51-52, 256

(see also debugging)

#text directive, 397


double-clicking, hook for, 259

manipulating in wptext situations, 179

in pictures, 262-263

processing (see wptext edit windows)

size and style (see fonts)

(see also characters; strings)

text editors for editing database objects, 347-353

#textFileCreator directive, 400

TextMachine application, 154

thread verbs, 199-201, 537-538

thread.evaluate(), 199, 247, 537

thread.evaluateTo(), 537

thread.exists(), 201, 537

thread.getCount(), 199

thread.getCurrentID(), 201, 537

thread.getNthID(), 201, 538

thread.isSleeping(), 201, 538

thread.kill(), 201, 538

thread.sleep(), 201, 538

thread.sleepFor(), 201, 538

thread.wake(), 201, 538

#threadedRendering directives, 400

threads, 198-204

agent scripts and, 255

number of presently running, 199

semaphores, 202-204

shared menus and, 247

three-button modal dialogs, 225

time (see date and time)

timeCreated(), 173, 461

timeModified(), 173, 462

timeouts, Apple event, 310

titleCase() utility, 157


Main Window, 214

for suites, 251

#title directive, 396

<title> pseudo-tags, 405

window, 214, 221

ToDo List tool, 357

Toggle Breakpoint (Script menu item), 141

Toggle Comment (Script menu item), 44

tokenType datatype, 99

toys.alphaChar(), 151, 539

toys.commentDelete(), 156, 539

toys.dropNonAlphas(), 151, 539

toys.emptyFolder(), 297, 539

toys.getCursorAddress(), 172, 539

toys.innerCaseName(), 151, 540

toys.iso8859filter(), 158

toys.listToOutline(), 185, 540

toys.outlineToList(), 185, 540

toys.padWithZeros(), 155, 540

toys.popStringSuffix(), 150, 540

toys.puncChar(), 151, 541

toys.readFileIntoTextObject(), 189, 541

toys.readWholeFile(), 188, 541

toys.sureFilePath(), 297, 541

toys.threadCall(), 200, 541

toys.touchPath(), 541

toys.uniqueTableName(), 170, 542

toys.URLsplit(), 159, 542

toys.writeWholeFile(), 189, 542

transactionEvent(), 309, 462

transactions, 309-310

trapping errors, 131-132

traverse() utility, 124, 181, 184

triangles in outline edit windows, 15-17

trigCmd verbs, 162, 542

trigonometric operations, 162

trimming strings, 155

tripletToRGB() utility, 102


address parameters, 89

crashing system on purpose, 133-134

imported packed objects, 267

indefinite number of parameters, 57

infinite looping constructs, 50

shared menus, 249

shortcut key assignment, 244

textfiles of database objects, 349-350

true, false constants (see booleans)

try...else construct, 131-132

tryError variable, 133

tweaking glue, 321-322

two-button modal dialogs, 225

twoLevelOutline renderer, 402

typeOf(), 95, 172, 462

types (see datatypes)


UCMD scripting extension, 207-209, 441, 446-448

UCMDmain(), 446

ucmds.getOutlineHtml(), 403

unary increment/decrement operators, 161, 450

underlines, 187

unlocking (see locking and unlocking)

unmounting volumes, 293

unpack(), 101, 462

updating pictures, interval for, 263

uploadAndRename() utility, 369

uppercase (see case)

#url directive, 408

URLs, 159-160

(see also Web)

#useGlossPatcher directive, 400, 416

user entry, 30

user events, verbs for, 286

user interaction levels, 311

user.classAds.prefs.hoursTillArchive entry, 435

user.classAds.templates.catPage entry, 436

user.classAds.templates.newPageReturn entry, 436

user.classAds.templates.previewPage entry, 436

user.classAds.templates.singleAd entry, 436 entry, 436

user.droplets entries (see droplets)

user.hooks.closeWindow table, 214

user.html.glossary entry, 413, 429

user.html.lists.changedPages entry, 419

user.html.macros entry, 407

user.html.prefs.iso8859map entry, 158

user.html.renderers entry, 402-403

user.html.templates entry, 405

user.inetd.shutdown entry, 364

user.newsPage entry, 431-433

user.preferences.outlineFont entry, 216

user.preferences.outlineFontSize entry, 216

user.preferences.scriptFont entry, 216

user.preferences.scriptFontSize entries, 216

user.preferences.tableFont entry, 216

user.preferences.tableFontSize entry, 216

user.scheduler entries, 358-361

user.switchUser(), 260

user.webserver.errorPage entry, 378

user.webserver.fileNotFoundPage entry, 378

user.webserver.mimeTypes entry, 382

user.webserver.utilities entry, 379, 381

processMacros(), 379

showMatching(), 384

showThisRec(), 385

user.websites entry, 391-393

user.websites.#filters entry, 392

user.websites.#ftpSite entry, 391

user.websites.glossary entry, 392

user.websites.images entry, 392

user.websites.#template entry, 392 entry, 392

user-based pseudo-hooks, 260

users, switching, 260


AppleScript and (see AppleScript)

basic syntax of, 35-37

constants, 93

control structures, 118-134

datatypes (see datatypes)

documentation on, 144-145

keywords (reserved words), 35, 92

object model, 315-319

scripting extensions for, 441-448

scripts (see scripts)

XCMD and UCMD scripting extensions, 207-209


variables, 35

calculating names of, 60-62, 85

consulting in Debug mode, 142

converting datatypes of (see coercion)

database entries vs., 58-59

global, 79-80

for iterations (see looping constructs)

operations on, 169-173

scope of, 73-74

(see also datatypes; scope)

verbs, 35, 37-39

address parameters to, 85-90

addresses of, 88-89

Apple events (see Apple events)

call result values, 52-53

classes of, 177-178

names for, 37-38

parameters of (see parameters) entry, 145

(see also under specific verb name)


database, 285

file, 295

Frontier application, xix, 285

operating system, 290

vertical bar (|)

in glossPatch expression, 417

in Script Debugger, 349

vertical bars (||) as or operator, 451

visibility (see hiding)

visit constructs, 125-128

#vlink directive, 397


counting files and folders on, 293

dialog for selecting, 225

iterating though files on, 122-125

obtaining names of, 157

startup, 294

verbs for managing, 292


waiting for fixed intervals, 198, 469


BBEdit as front-end editor, 428-430

browsers (see suites.webBrowser)

CGI applications, 375-388

datatypes for Web page objects, 406

directives, 393-401, 408-409

dynamic Web sites, 431-438

filtering Web data, 414-416

glossaries, 412-413

hyperlinks, 416-418, 425, 427

loading existing sites, 420

macros for, 407-412

previewing and releasing sites, 418-420

running Web server with Frontier, 386-387

site management, 389-391

site tables (user.websites), 391-393

suites.webserverScripts entry, 377

templates, 404-406

user.websites (see entries under user.websites)

utility scripts for, 424-428

Web pages, driving Frontier from, 345

Web servers, 364

webBrowser (suites.webBrowser), 257, 345

WebServer submenu (Suites menu), 376, 387

webServer.httpHeader(), 377, 382

Websites folder, 418

while looping construct, 121

whitespace, 453

willBeImplicitLocal() utility, 171

Window menu, 214

window verbs, 216-222

window.bringToFront(), 221, 543

window.close(), 176, 218, 543

window.dbStats(), 274, 543

window.frontmost(), 175, 220, 543

window.getPosition(), 219, 544

window.getSize(), 219, 544

window.getTitle(), 221, 544

window.hide(), 218, 544

window.isFront(), 221, 544

window.isHidden(), 219, 544

window.isMenuScript(), 222, 545

window.isModified(), 173, 545

window.isOpen(), 218, 545

window.isVisible(), 219, 545

window.msg(), 224, 545, 220, 546, 175, 216, 546

window.quickScript(), 546

window.scroll(), 221, 546

window.sendToBack(), 221, 546

window.setModified(), 173, 546

window.setPosition(), 219, 547

window.setSize(), 219, 547

window.setTitle(), 221, 547, 218, 547

window.update(), 222

window.visit(), 125-126, 547

window.zoom(), 220, 548


contents (see non-scalars)

dialog (see dialogs)

fonts in, 15, 216

formatting, 215-216

layering, 220-221

manipulating, 213-216

opening, closing, hiding, 23, 214-215, 218-219

samples.basicStuff.windowFormatter entry, 216

status (see status messages)

titles of, 214, 221

windoids vs., 223

window references, 217

(see also edit windows)

Winer, Dave, xx

with statement, 66-68, 76-77, 331

object containment and, 316-317

wordInfo.getNthWordOffset(), 553

word-processing text (see wptext edit windows)

words, 156-157, 179

workspace entry, 29

workspace.notepad entry, 30

wp verbs, 179, 187, 548-553

wp.clearTabs(), 187, 548

wp.getDisplay(), 176, 548

wp.getIndent(), 187, 548

wp.getLeftMargin(), 187, 548

wp.getRightMargin(), 187, 549

wp.getRuler(), 187, 549

wp.getSelect(), 179, 549

wp.getSelText(), 179, 549

wp.getText(), 179, 549

wp.go(), 179, 550

wp.insert(), 179, 550

wp.inTextMode(), 178, 550

wp.rulerLength(), 187, 550

wp.selectAll(), 179

wp.selectLine(), 179, 550

wp.selectParagraph(), 179, 551

wp.selectWord(), 179, 551

wp.setDisplay(), 176, 551

wp.setIndent(), 187, 551

wp.setJustification(), 187, 551

wp.setLeftMargin(), 187, 552

wp.setRightMargin(), 187, 552

wp.setRuler(), 187, 552

wp.setSelect(), 179, 552

wp.setSpacing(), 187, 552

wp.setTab(), 187, 553

wp.setText(), 179, 553

wp.setTextMode(), 178, 553

wptext edit windows, 19

wptext objects

defining directives in, 393

editing in Nisus Writer, 353

reading data into, 189

templates, 404-406

verbs for (see wp verbs)

as Web page object datatype, 406

wpTextType datatype, 97

wpToNisus() utility, 353

writeBackgroundImageFile() utility, 426

writing scripts, 51-52

writing to files, 189, 191


XCMD scripting extension, 207-209, 441-445

importing, 196, 209

XCmdBlock structure, 442

XCmdPtr pointer, 442


years, 166

yes-no, yes-no-cancel modal dialogs, 225

yielding to processes, 198


zeros, attaching to numbers, 155

zooming outline focus, 182

zooming windows, 215, 220


This page prepared October 1, 2011 by Matt Neuburg, phd = matt at tidbits dot com, using RubyFrontier. RubyFrontier is a port, written in the Ruby language, of the Web-site-creation features of UserLand Frontier. Works just like Frontier, but written in Ruby!
Download RubyFrontier from GitHub.