Mark keeps a blog about FaceSpan 5 developments.
I helped write this description of what FaceSpan 5 is all about.
I knew were really getting somewhere when I was able to write a useful application using FaceSpan 5.
Sorry, work on this project has been abandoned. This is a real pity because what Mark had created was a truly great programming environment. In a single integrated development environment, you could design your application’s interface, give code to various application objects, and run and debug the application; it’s like REALbasic or HyperCard. The resulting application is a Cocoa application, but much easier than Xcode, a portion of Cocoa pared down and simplified and given a much better programming and design interface. The trouble was, though, that AppleScript had been chosen as the user programming language, and these days Apple just doesn’t understand AppleScript any more, so that Mark couldn’t accomplish what he wanted to because Cocoa Scripting wouldn’t let him catch and parse the various Apple events the way he needed to.
This page prepared
April 14, 2017
by Matt Neuburg, phd = matt at tidbits dot com,
using RubyFrontier.
RubyFrontier is a port, written in the Ruby language,
of the Web-site-creation features of UserLand Frontier.
Works just like Frontier, but written in Ruby!
Download RubyFrontier from